Recent Debate in Italian Politics: The Rejection of Detention Requests under the Italy-Albania Protocol
A detailed look at how EU law influences Italian immigration policies and their implications.

Italy's 2024 Immigration Decree Introduces New Regulations
New regulations aim to protect foreign workers and streamline immigration processes.

New European Pact on Migration and Asylum Approved
Introduction of New Border Procedure and Solidarity Mechanism

S.I.RA.C.U.S.A. Project: A Step Forward in Enhancing Services for Foreigners
Launching of a significant project funded by European Fund for Asylum Migration and Integration aimed at enhancing services for foreigners.

Directive 2013/32/EU and Safe Countries of Origin: An Overview
Understanding the implications of EU Directive and recent updates on Safe Countries of Origin

Clarifications on Legislative Decree No. 152 and EU Blue Card Procedures
Details on the EU Blue Card issuance and application procedures

Memorandum of Understanding Signed to Assist Migrant Workers
Expansion of Legal Support Network for Migrants

UNHCR Launches 'Welcome-in-one-click' Platform to Aid Refugee Work Integration
UNHCR and the Adecco Foundation's Initiative to Support Refugee Work Integration
Legal Assistance
Legal orientation, out-of-court consultancy, procedural defense of foreign citizens.
Linguistic Mediation
Technical assistance and linguistic and cultural mediation in relations with public and private institutions and entities for foreign citizens present in Italy.
Updating and training of public and private social operators engaged in services aimed at foreign citizens.
Promotion of Multiculturalism
Information and awareness activities on the theme of multiculturalism and peace among peoples.
The foreigner who is prevented in his country from the effective exercise of the democratic freedoms guaranteed by the Italian Constitution has the right to asylum in the territory of the Republic, according to the conditions established by law.”
Art. 3 comma 3 Constitution of the Italian Republic